
Texas Hash

Are you wondering what you will cook for dinner this evening?  The recipe I am sharing with you today is a recipe that has been in the family a long time. It’s called” Texas Hash” and my is it good and very easy to make!  So grab your aprons ladies, and come to my kitchen, and we will cook up the dish!  Here we go!


2 onions chopped

1 cup celery

3 Tsp oil

1 lb. ground steak

2 cups tomatoes with juice

1 cup uncooked spaghetti

1 tsp. chili powder

2 tsp. salt & 1/2 tsp. pepper

In a large pot, combine onions, celery in the oil. Add meat and cook until the redness is gone. Add tomatoes, spaghetti and seasoning and  mix.

Transfer mixture to a oiled casserole dish. Cover and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.  You can add a salad if you wish.

See ya next time,



Patience Corners Block

Well It’s Friday and so glad! Finally finished block # 6 and half way there now. Can’t wait to see what the quilt will look like once the blocks are finished. Again, I came across some fabric that just did not want to cooperate. Will be extra careful next time!!! Everyone have a great weekend and I’ll see ya next week.

Block #6 of 12


Good morning everyone and It’s Friday!!!!!!  This week I had a chance to get some pillowcases done for the terminally Ill children in the Tampa Bay area. If anyone is interested making the pillowcases here is the name of the website “ConKerr Cancer”.

Have a great weekend and I’ll see ya soon!



Hole in the Barn Door (Quilt Block # 5)

Hole in the Barn Door Block # 5

Here is block # 5 that I just completed from the quilt along over at Crafty Gemini. If you have never done a quilt along before I recommend that you try it. There are 7 more blocks to complete and then I will be able to put the quilt together.  When the next block is announced , I will share it with you along with the tutorial. So stay tuned! Have a great Tuesday and I will see ya’ll later!


Friendship Star (Block # 4)

Friendship Star Quilting Block # 4

Wow! It’s Monday already and were did the weekend go!  This weekend my husband and I are still painting the inside of the house and hope to finish soon.  Currently, we are painting his office/music room. Next, the plans are to paint the master bedroom and bath.

Even though there is  painting going on I had a chance to complete the fourth block of the Quilt along over at Crafty Gemini. I am getting excited to see how my quilt is going to turn out. The quilt block above is called “Friendship Star.”  Be sure to click on the Friendship Star to find the directions on how to make the block. Have a great day!

Happy Quilting! Your friend Sharon


Mr. Roosevelt’s Neck Tie (Block # 3)

Mr. Roosevelt's Bow Tie (Block # 3)

Happy Friday everyone! Finally got the third block finished today and I like the way it turned out. Still seem to have an issue with the seams lining up.  Hopefully, by the time the blocks are complete I will be able to see a difference in my seams lining up. The third block is called “Mr. Rossevelt’s Neck Tie.”

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I’ll see ya’ll on Monday!


Quilt Along (Amish Diamond Quilt block)

Can’t believe the weekend is right around the corner. The other day I posted a quilt along that we are having over at Vanessa’s and here is the second block for the quilt along. It will be interesting to see how the quilt turns out because I am just using the fabric that I have on hand.

The name of the block is called “Amish Diamond” quilt block. My seams are not perfect but had fun putting the block together. Hopefully, over time they will get better! See you next time!

Block #2
Discussion · Quilting

Traditional Bow Tie Quilt Block

Happy Tuesday morning everyone! I enjoy making quilting blocks and I am always looking for new Ideas and came across Vanessa at Crafty Gemini and fell in love with her blog. She has wonderful tutorials that are easy to follow and she even takes the time to show how to cut fabric for a quilt block. I highly recommend her videos if you are interested in making quilt blocks. Currently, over at Crafty Gemini there is a quilt along going on so make sure to check it out and join in.

Today I completed the first block which is called “Traditional Bow Tie”. When I complete a block I will share it with you.

Happy quilting!!!!

Block # 1

Air Castle Quilt Block

Air Castle Quilt Block # 1

I hope that my favorite peeps had a great weekend! My husband and I have started painting the inside of the house this weekend and my “what a job.”  In between the painting I had a chance to actually get one quilt block completed and I love the way it turned out.

The block above is called “Air Castle” and is made with Batik fabric and I love working with this type of fabric. When using Batik fabric, I noticed that if you make a mistake it does not show up so much as other fabric I have used in the past. I really enjoy working with the colors too.

Each person in our guild receives a new block of the month and by the  end of the year you will have 12 blocks to make a quilt. How cools is that. So make sure to stay tuned more quilting blocks to come. Everyone have a great week and do something fun!

Your friend,



ConKerr Cancer

So a lot of people are asking me “what is your New Years  resolution this year’? I knew that I wanted to use my sewing skills in some capacity and started to do some research and came across a non-profit organization called “ConKerr Cancer Tampa Bay. There mission is ” A case for smiles Helping children feel special while battling life changing Illnesses”. How touching is that!

I have a friend who had given me a lot of juvenile fabric so I thought what a way to help out by making pillowcases for the children. The pillowcases are very simple to make and such a great cause too. If anyone is interested making pillowcases for children just go to the website and get all of the information there.  If you click on the word pillowcases you will find the directions. Below is a picture of the first pillowcase I made.

Pillowcase #1